Dienstag, 27. September 2011


I wish, that my smile was your favorite kind of smile.

Hello my dear followers!

Today I'm going to keep my promise to show you a cosplay of mine. I'm going to show you one cosplay every month, I thought. (:
I thought I'd begin with my most favourite cosplay so far, Sailor Neptune.

Photo taken by Bella, edited by Elisa

Well.. like every little girl here I think, I loved Sailor Moon. I watched it always, when it came in the TV. I collected everything, from journals over dolls to posters. And, of course, I had a favourite Senshi: Sailor Neptune. She was my hero in my childhood.
I still love Sailor Moon, and also Sailor Neptune. She's almost like me.. just more prettier. *cough*
When I began with cosplay, it was clear for me: I have to cosplay Sailor Neptune.
Then, in 2009, a friend came to me like: "Ah, let's cosplay Sailor Moon!", so she cosplayed Sailor Venus and I cosplayed Neptune the first time at the Bookfair in Leipzig in 2010.

Photo taken by ???, edited by Elisa

It was pretty easy to sew.. well, the first time sewing a Sailor-Fuku, my mother still helped me. But the second time it was one of the easiest cosplays I ever made!
I'm not going to tell you the whole process how I made it, don't worry! *grin*

Photo taken by Bella, edited by Elisa

I'm very happy with this cosplay and I hope, that I can wear it some more times, hehe.

Next time I'm going to show you:

See you soon, have a nice day/night! *kisses*


Samstag, 24. September 2011


Show me what it's like, to be the last one standing!

And teach me wrong from right,
and I'll show you what I can be,
Say it for me - say it to me!
And I'll leave this life behind me.
Say it if it's worth saving me!

...is it worth savin' me?

Hey there!

I hope you had a good time. In my case.. well.. more or less.

The Connichi is over now. It was a nice weekend, but not the best convention I had. The best day was friday, when I cosplayed a Black Pawn and we had a big, big chess group! Here you can see a picture:

I'm the one with the black banner!

Guys, you were gorgeous! <3

On Saturday, I cosplayed Sango from Inuyasha with my little group: Reborn as Shippo, Izaya as Kouga and Kirara as Ayame.
And it was the first day Maik, a good friend of mine, came with us, he wasn't was there on friday yet. 

It started not that good.. my fake lashes didn't want to stick and I had to put them away. Bad thing.. then I lost my cellphone for a short time, but got it back, luckily.. then my day was.. nya. Not thaaaat good anymore. But still nice

I have no nice pictures.. I had no time to sew all my cosplays, so I had to make them kinda crappy. That's the reason why I didn't like the cosplay. Well.. and because of the lashes. Oh and I forgot the wig! *grin*
But here you are:

..ehehehe.. yeah~

Sunday. I couldn't finish my cosplay. I wanted to cosplay 'Mr. Spuck/Spucky' from a German movie, called '(T)raumschiff Surprise'. It's a parody of Star Trek (Btw., I LOVE Star Trek, especially the Next Generation!), where Spucky meant to be Mr. Spock. Well, as I already said, I couldn't finish my cosplay. So I went there just with my wig and my ears in civilian clothes - and guess what? They thought I'd cosplay the Mr. Spock from the 11th film! *grin*
I had to disappoint them, but it was nice to know.

Here's a picture:

Nice picture, isn't it? *grin*

Now something else.

I hope you're listening to the song I gave you at the beginning?
Right now I'm a bit confused about everything. Do you know the feeling, when you want someone to love you? I mean.. yes, of course. There are persons who like you. There are persons who might love you. But not the way you want them to love you.. that's the point. 
Do you know the feeling? This.. not really alone, but somehow.. nya. Kinda crappy thing. I just want to be loved again, that's what I'm saying. I mean of course, I can live without love but.. yeah. You know what I'm saying, right?

 ...so, is it worth savin' me?

Btw, I love the autumn! I'm SO happy that it's autumn again!
Maybe I'm going to take some autumn pictures in civilian? We'll see! 
Okay.. have a nice day! *kisses*


Dienstag, 30. August 2011


Listen, while reading! (:

Hey there!

How've you been?  In my case, fine, I think. I didn't sew this weekend... (GOD DAMN IT!) but.. I have to, really! I only have 3 weeks left!

Well, on saturday I was.. lazy, somehow. Oh! But I watched an awesome movie. "The Imaginarium Of Dr.Parnassus", great one! I fell in love with Jude Law, finally. I loved him as Watson in "Sherlock Holmes", also! Great actor!
Then, on sunday, I went to a good friend of mine and we watched two movies and played a game. The game's called 'Heavy Rain', I really like it! It has a great story and a great graphic! Then, the first movie we watched was 'Im Winter Ein Jahr', one of my 3 favourite films, a German one. If you're German and if you like.. kind of dramatic films, it's a nice one. That's some kind of movies, that Germans are producing well. The second movie has been 'A Clockwork Orange'. It was strange, if you're asking me, but still a really good one. Not one of my favourites, but a really good one, I have to say. But, if you ever want to watch it, remember my words: Watch it as an art movie, not as a movie with much storyline and logical things, you'll just get crazy.

Hm.. after that we slept there at his house and he brought me to my school. Did I mentioned, that I'm going to an art school, (in my case) specifical for  media and design? Well, now you know it.

Hm.. what else?
Ah, yeah!

Question time:
Do you want me to upload an entry just with some Cosplay photos to show them here?

..or anything else? (;

Just leave a comment!

Have a nice day! *kisses*


Freitag, 26. August 2011


Hello there!

Here's my first entry.
Well.. today was a bad day for me. Everything went wrong but.. yeah.. there's always a light at the end of the tunnel, right? *grin*
Here in Germany we have a big convention soon, called 'Connichi'. It's from the 16th of September to the 18th of September. I'm going to be there for the whole 3 days.
Hm.. I think you want to know what I'm cosplaying, right?
Well, on Friday, I'm going to cosplay the Black Pawn from the e7 field, a selfmade chess character from a friends' friend. We're going to be a large group, so I hope that everything's going to work well! But I'm really looking forward to it!
Then, on Saturday, 2 good friends of mine(Izaya and Reborn), another friend(Kirara) and me are going to cosplay some characters from Inuyasha. Izaya is going to cosplay Kouga, Reborn Shippou, Kirara Ayame and I'm going to cosplay Sango. Sango is one of me dream cosplays.. she was my hero when I was in the age of 10 - 12! And yesterday her wig arrived! I think I'm going to sew her cosplay tomorrow, after horseriding, so that I can show you some photos, hehe.
And on Sunday it's going to be a surprise! But be careful: Only Germans know the character I'm cosplaying and well.. it's crap but.. it's going to be soooo funny!

So.. have a nice time here, and save the blog somewhere, that you find it again to read my new entries, if you want to. *smile*

See you! *kisses*


P.s.: Here are two screenshots of my new Sango wig, it's a bad quality, but still better than nothing~